Our levers to turn the blue dot green

Our three strategic key topics

The results of our materiality analysis have shown that there is still a lot to do in the area of “Environmental” and at the same time we have a lot of potential and opportunities. We are therefore focusing on environmental topics as a first step. The three strategic key topics are complemented by measures in the areas of social and governance topics.

Key topic 1: Climate change and carbon emissions

Careful management of our environmental footprint is one of our three key strategic topics. We are focusing primarily (but not exclusively) on reducing our emissions. As a manufacturing company with 1,600 employees, we have a significant carbon footprint, which we want to reduce in the years to come. Therefore, we are defining a net zero roadmap. The following levers will contribute to reducing our emissions across the company:

Renewable energy
The aim is to gradually be able to cover all our electricity needs exclusively through renewable energy and increase the share of renewable energy. This will enable us to reduce the use of fossil fuels and, consequently, CO2 emissions.

Supply chain
By far the largest carbon footprint is indirectly caused by our supply chain. Therefore, the aim is to partner with our direct suppliers to better understand their CO2 footprint and to encourage them to take actions to reduce it.

Optimizing energy efficiency and sourcing
Optimization measures in the area of energy consumption will enable us to further reduce energy consumption and thus both directly and indirectly reduce our CO2 emissions. These can be, for example, measures to improve the building shell, the use of LED lights or the recalibration of heating and cooling systems. Also the day-to-day efficient use of energy by our employees reduces our overall energy requirements.

Switching to public transport, cutting down on business trips, making the workplace more flexible
We want to motivate our employees and create incentives to use public transport to get to work, to reduce unnecessary business trips, to favor rail travel over air travel wherever possible, and to enable working from home whenever feasible.

By otimising energy consumption, we can contribute to alleviating the current energy shortage, reduce CO2 emissions and at the same time lower our energy costs.

Key topic 2: Energy efficiency

By optimizing energy consumption, we can reduce CO2 emissions and at the same time lower our energy costs. The most important drivers in this regard are the following:

Employee behavior
Practical behavior by employees in production, when closing and opening doors and windows, using tools or electric lights, can make a significant contribution to reducing energy consumption overall. We publish corporate communications and in future we will do on-site trainings to raise awareness among employees.

Technical optimization
Building shells, lights, door opening mechanisms, system operating times and the recalibration of air-conditioning and heating systems can make a significant contribution to reducing our energy needs.

Space optimization
The reduction in office space through shared offices also helps to cut heating and
energy costs in our premises.

Step by step towards modern, sustainable offices
We are currently completing the construction works of the offices in Linköping and Decatur, we have renovated our offices in Vienna and have moved into our new offices at the Circle at Zurich Airport in August 2023. The result are attractive open-space offices with flexible workstations that promote cross-functional learning, collaboration and engagement. In some locations, such as Linköping, there are solar panels on the entire roof of the production area.

Key topic 3: Responsible sourcing

It is important for us to work with suppliers who share our sustainability goals. Along the measures that reduce the environmental impacts, we also ensure compliance with all supply chain-related laws and regulations, for example regarding human rights, corporate integrity, and health and safety. A software-based monitoring and evaluation solution and our Corporate Code of Conduct serve as tools for greater transparency.

Supplier commitment
With our Code of Conduct for Business Partners, we require our suppliers to commit to minimum standards when it comes to social and environmental responsibilities. We attach particular importance to full compliance with human rights. In this regard, we expect our suppliers to respect the fundamental rights of people at all times in their business activities.

Supplier Monitoring & assessment
In 2023, we have deployed a software-based solution for monitoring and assessing ESG performance data from our suppliers, which also provided selective additional transparency within our supply chain vis-à-vis our management.

Supplier development
Guiding and supporting suppliers in the application of measures plays an important role in the implementation of our ESG ambitions within our supply chain. Supplier development in ESG disciplines will also be taken into account as a competitive advantage in the selection
of suppliers.

… and beyond!

Along with the three key topics other social and governance issues are also important to us. Based on the material topics, as set out in this report, additional sustainability-related measures will be continuously worked on:

Reading the pulse of customers and markets We regularly measure our customers’ satisfaction, thereby creating an important basis for sustainable customer relationships and the early identification of any issues.
Consistent compliance with human rights We attach particular importance to integral compliance with human rights. In this respect, we expect our suppliers to respect the fundamental rights of people at all times in their business activities.
Diversity is our strength Diversity contributes to a tolerant and open corporate culture and is central to ensuring that different perspectives are incorporated into decision-making processes. Increasing diversity in the company and, as a first step, specifically the proportion of women in management positions, is important to us.
Zero tolerance of discrimination Beyond Gravity clearly positions itself against any kind of discrimination. It is therefore important to be aware of forms of discrimination and to examine and implement counter-measures.
Conscious use of consumables Consumables account for a significant share of waste and disposal management. We can reduce our footprint by increasingly using recycled materials, reusable product solutions or climate-neutral products.
Less waste – more recycling Pre-impregnated carbon fiber waste will in the future be sent to a specialist supplier so that it can be reused as recycled waste. Salvage of payload fairings: Due to the expected significant increase in rocket launches, we want to give our customers the technical option in the future to track and dispose of payload fairings that have landed in the sea.
Opportunities, but also risks in view Our current enterprise risk management system will be expanded to include all major ESG topics.
Sustainability also counts in remuneration In addition to financial and personal targets, an ESG target is included in the bonus awards of the company’s executives and managers. In this way, we are improving management’s incentives to support sustainability.