Beyond Gravity is a leading expert in the design, manufacture, and testing of Spacecraft containers. We offer customized Containers or (near)rebuild of existing solutions based on our wide range of delivered Containers. We are experts on the logistics-challenges a large Container may pose (air and road transport, certifications, dynamic environments).

Satellite Containers

Beyond Gravity provides transport and shipping containers for satellites of all sizes, from smallsats to the largest geosatellites and deep space spacecraft. We have delivered over 60 spacecraft containers to satellite builders in Europe and the US.

Bert Menhardt Sales Manager Thermal & Mechanisms

Our value-creating chain

Beyond Gravity is a leading expert in the design, manufacture, and testing of spacecraft containers. We offer customized containers or rebuild (near) existing solutions, and we are experts in the logistics challenges posed by large containers.

Our value-creating chain includes:

  • Structural, dynamic, and thermal engineering and analysis
  • Layout and manufacturing design
  • Production and testing
  • Transport logistics and worldwide delivery

Spacecraft Containers for Satellites of All Sizes

Beyond Gravity provides spacecraft containers for the transport and storage of satellites of all sizes and complexities. Our pressurized and non-pressurized containers protect your satellite during road, air, and long-term storage with dynamic damping, thermal control, and filtering systems.

Our containers are custom-designed to meet your specific needs, with advanced features such as:

  • Full active and passive thermal control
  • Dynamic protection for a wide range of payload/satellite masses
  • Environmental control by air-filtering and drying or N2-purging
  • Satellite loading by hat-off lid, tilting lid, or door
  • Satellite fixed mounted vertically, horizontally, or on a tilt-table for vertical extraction from the container
  • Certification for air transportation on a wide range of aircraft
We offer a comprehensive range of satellite transport and shipping containers for all sizes of satellites, from SmallSats to the largest GeoSatellites and Deep Space Spacecraft.

Satellite Containers

We offer a comprehensive range of satellite transport and shipping containers for all sizes of satellites, from SmallSats to the largest GeoSatellites and Deep Space Spacecraft. 

Our containers are designed to protect your satellite from the harsh environments of transportation and storage, and to meet the specific requirements of your mission.

Our portfolio of specialized containers includes hat-off type containers with removable roofs for easy access, tilt-lid type containers for loading and unloading large or heavy items, door-type roll-in containers with roll-in doors and S/C tilting units for convenient loading and unloading, and large satellite containers specifically designed for transporting satellites on An124 aircraft.


Satellite Containers for Constellations

Beyond Gravity constellation-type satellite containers offer an efficient and cost-effective solution for transporting and storing multiple satellites. 

The key features of constellation-type satellite containers include:

IATA-compliant depressurization: Containers meet all International Air Transport Association (IATA) requirements, with breathing units for normal transport and burst discs for emergency depressurization.

Controlled temperature and humidity: Containers maintain a stable temperature of 19-25°C during operation and -40-45°C during transport, with humidity levels below 65% relH. during operation and 100% relH. during transport.

Cleanliness monitoring: Containers are equipped with state-of-the-art devices that monitor temperature, humidity, acceleration, and pressure to ensure a clean and contaminant-free environment for sensitive satellite components.